Sunday, February 5, 2017

Unique Valentine’s Day Gift Idea: Create a Piano Song for Your Loved One!

Another year has flown by, and it’s hard to believe Valentine’s Day is rapidly approaching.

Instead of giving chocolates or flowers, why not do something different for a change? Learn how to compose and play your very own piano music for your special love– even if you never touched a keyboard in your life! 

Sound far fetched? Not at all according to maestro Edward Weiss, teacher, author and composer of piano music for over 15 years. 

As Edward explains: “Most people automatically assume you have to be a gifted musician who’s spent years in a conservatory to compose original piano scores. Nothing could be further from the truth."

“Piano Improvisation is a musical art form anyone can learn. It doesn’t matter how young or old you are, or if you’ve never even sat down at a piano or played an instrument in your life.” 

The secret? Edward’s step by step online video instructions allowing his students to literally Look, Listen and Learn. 

Outside of an internet connection, the only other thing an aspiring artist needs is a keyboard – and of course the desire to do something different! 

“Creating your own piano music is one of the most fulfilling adventures a person can take. My method lets you do just that - composing your very own pieces - easily and effortlessly. And he or she will love you for it!"

Ready to dive in? Click for Risk-FREE special!! 

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